Fifty-four years ago...and the rest is History...

Fifty-four years ago, Mary & Danny Franzell’s oldest daughter was about to be wed. After shopping several local bakeries, and realizing their daughter’s dream cake was not affordable. Mary set out to learn the art of cake decorating. Self taught, naturally artistic with a very creative imagination, she created her daughter’s jaw dropping wedding cake. Encouraged by family and friends, she started entering cakes into the non-professional division of the Kentucky State Fair. After winning several blue ribbons, she was force to compete in the professional division. Accepting the challenge, though she didn’t think of herself as a professional baker, she continued to win. What a boost to her confidence. Officially recognized for her talent, she finally accepted she was truly a professional. She was passionate about creating her delicious delights and wanted to share her talents with others. Solicited to teach, she taught thousands of students through the public school system. It was always her dream to have her own business. Realizing her dream in 1970, she opened Cake Ladies Dream Shoppe, selling premium products and teaching specialized cake decorating and candy making. When Danny retired, he joined Mary running the shop daily. They worked hard and taught us that if you love what you do, and they did, it would never seem like work. Together, the Cake Lady and the Candy Man enjoyed sharing recipes, baking advice and stories with their customers. They touched many, many lives. Every holiday season, we continue to enjoy hearing stories of family holiday traditions that all started with a little visit to the little candy shop. Danny and Mary Franzell passed away in 2011 but the 5 siblings decided to continue the legacy.